We serve in Cap Haitien, Haiti. Cap Haitien is a city on the northern coast of Haiti, approximately 40 miles from the Dominican Republic border. Espwa projects take place in and around the city.

Cap Haitien, home to nearly 200,000 Haitians, is the second largest city in Haiti behind Port-au-Prince. It is known as the nation’s largest center of historic monuments and holds great potential as a tourist destination. The calm water of the bay, picturesque Caribbean beaches, and historic monuments all make it a resort and vacation destination for Haiti’s upper classes. The readily-observed material poverty has limited international tourism, but Cap Haitien is beginning to attract such visitors due to its isolation from the political instability found in the southern part of the island.
Cap Haitien and the surrounding northern regions have beautiful beaches, interesting historic destinations, and beautiful people. Yet among all these assets lie great needs: spiritual, physical and emotional.