St. Anthony’s is one of the primary medical clinics at which Espwa serves in Cap Haitien, Haiti. Our longtime friend and medical director, Dr. Eugene Maklin, sees patients there each week. After this past March’s medical trip, it became clear that St. Anthony’s was overwhelmingly hot, overcrowded, and too small for effective patient exams. Between April and June, one of our network partners, Food for the Poor, was able to raise the capital needed to address some of its shortcomings.
By employing Haitian construction crews, the building underwent a dramatic transformation. Site improvements included the following:
- Demolishing one exterior wall and extending two rooms and the gallery
- Reinforcing structural beams and columns
- Reconstructing concrete slab floors
- Repairing bathrooms
- Replacing the electrical wiring
- Replacing the roof with new plywood underlayment, metal roofing, and hurricane strapping
- Repainting and refinishing
We can’t wait to return and serve at St. Anthony’s on our next medical trip and are so excited that community residents have such a nicer clinic!